You lost me at U2 and Bono. Burn in hell, sinner! <— that’s a joke, which I hope is obvious. Last U2 song I liked was Sunday Bloody Sunday
I’m not here to convince you of anything. You do indeed sound like you’re confounding faith with church/organized religion. But you could be forgiven because those are the most salient/loud examples of faith having folks.
Honestly, you could have faith in anything; your family, job, skills, country, guns… There’s nothing exceptional about faith in God, it’s just another concept that we bestow power on.
If it makes someone feel better, cool. If it makes them a better human being, even better. Doesn’t need to be absolutely true to modify behaviors. I guess that’s the pragmatist in me.
By the same token, any faith that makes a terrible, arrogant, oppressive, and/or violent person should be discarded.
I may sound like an atheist, but I’m actually radically agnostic. I don’t claim to know anything about God other than it ain’t “that”, whatever anyone says about God. Or rather, God isn’t just “that”. I equate God with infinity, the universe, Source, Creation… all of which are just concepts in my head that can’t possibly contain nor define an infinite being.
I guess most folks don’t want to try (and ultimately fail) to wrap their heads around that, so they put God in a little human thought bubble and claim righteous authority. Silly humans 😊