This was my conclusion and basis for dismissal of the simulation hypothesis way back in college almost 20 years ago. If the only “apparatus” capable of simulating a universe is in fact an entire universe, then what’s the difference? We still live in a universe. Whether it’s a simulation or not makes no practical difference to our lives or understanding of reality. Good ole pragmatist philosophy!
To use a relatively older tech to illustrate my/our point. It is well known that maps have to be drawn to scale, and that the tinier the scale the more details that have to be left out. Therefore, to capture the greatest amount of detail (like to like, if you will) of let’s say Manhattan, you’d have to draw a map the size of Manhattan! The same logic applies to simulations.
I am in total agreement of your analysis and conclusions! This sort of thinking only further erodes our collective grasp on what is true and real. That grasp is already hanging by a thread. It opens the door to acceptance of atrocities present and future. Thank you for speaking sense in this increasingly nonsensical world!