Recognizing privilege is a huge step forward and closely observing all of the nuanced ways it benefits you as a white male is a good next step. Even though I’ve recognized my privilege since I was a teenager, I’ve been surprised throughout my life just how subtle and impactful it truly has been.
Observing privilege and how it materializes for you is a lifelong endeavor, however. Beyond observing, you could try giving up some of your privilege, but I don’t recommend such self-flagellation unless it actually benefits someone who lacks that privilege. What that means for you, I can’t say. That’s why observing is so important.
For myself, even though “giving up privilege” wasn’t the intention, two decisions in my life have resulted in a slight reduction of my individual privilege: 1) I married a black woman in the southern US, and 2) I no longer claim to be a Christian. While these decisions have shut certain doors for me personally, it has opened so many more than I could ever have imagined!