Me and my girlfriend matched on Tinder. We both hit the dating app lottery! After 3 years of fascinating interactions with scams of every sort and being ghosted after 1 day of what I thought was decent conversation… I was literally about to give up. I was determined to make it my last week on dating apps.
Then, while sick in bed and nothing better to do, I started swiping. I found her. An hour or so later she found me. We immediately hit it off. She wanted to meet me, but I told her I was sick so maybe we should wait till I felt better and wasn’t contagious. The very next day, she brought me medicine. My heart absolutely melted!
She wore a mask but we hugged as she handed off the cold medicine. My hand lingered a bit on the small of her lower back. We both knew there was an attraction that we couldn’t wait to explore. A week later I was healthy and we went on our first date. Yep there was indeed attraction and we instantly hit it off.
Here we are 7 months later and can’t keep our hands off one another. And to think, it all started with that kind gesture of bringing me medicine! That’s when I knew she is amazing! I kept my promise to myself and deleted the dating apps that very next week.