It’s all about the flow of energy. When it stagnates or gets pent up on one side of a particular spectrum, then you have storms. This is literally true in the case of weather fronts and metaphorically true with our mental, emotional, spiritual, as well as physical energies (epilepsy is caused by a similar build up of energy in the brain).
I really like what the Inca/Andean wisdom tradition has to say about this. Rather than describing the energies as positive/negative or high/low vibrations, they describe them as either heavy or light. The earth wants and needs us to release our heavy energy back to it, so that it can transmute back into light energy that we can then use. The same way water droplets become heavy and fall back down as rain, and the same type of O2/CO2 cycle between plant/animal respiration.
The energy must and will flow. If we try to stop it or slow it down, expect storms. Gaia has no malice against us for doing so, she’s just balancing the equation.
And this may be a controversial belief of mine, but I don’t think Gaia suffers. I used to feel as if I could hear her screaming in pain. I’m beginning to understand that I was instead hearing my own cries of pain. Gaia was simply listening and comforting, inviting me to drop the heaviness and let her work her magic on it 😊