It is indeed a magic spell that is being cast from the pulpit and study groups all over. I applaud you breaking its hold over yourself. I have yet to figure out how to break its hold over others. The best that I’ve come up with is leading by example and loving those caught in its web unconditionally, as well as pointing to the example of Jesus’ love for all. All of that coming from a self-proclaimed heretic no less. The trick is to break the chains of the ego and see God in others, even those who deny God or even the “libs”. The ego is strong however and this is what the spell has been cast on, what it works through. Let your light shine and perhaps it will help to reveal the shadows of the demons that we’ve created! Be careful not to cast away all Christians however, a lesson I’ve had to learn myself. Many have broken the spell. Many are shining beacons of the hope of love and acceptance. We are all capable of being either an Angel or a demon at any given moment. But can you love both?