Indeed, not-knowing should be humbling. Strangely, your analysis of Peterson in this article has allowed me to see bit of him in myself. I struggle with that same ego of the “profound professor” who wants so badly to be seen as profound, but yet can’t seem to say anything definite. At least I can say I struggle with my ego, I recognize its detrimental effects, and I submit to faith in not-knowing.
Faith in what you may ask? God of some sort or another. I truly don’t know. I believe the first few lines of the Tao te Ching, “The Tao that can be named is not the Eternal Tao”. So I guess I have a sort of faith in paradox and the infinite nature of God that defies knowing and definition. I see now how this makes me sound like Peterson in scary ways.
Then again, I’m not out here on the internet espousing anything solid, like advice for masculinity or culture war rubbish. If anything, I’m preaching more humility, more uncertainty, more faith.