I’m pleasantly surprised to see you take on this topic. It is one that has been near and dear to me since I first learned about it two decades ago in my philosophical courses in college. You’ve treated it well! Great job!
If you and other readers are interested in reading more, I would recommend Phillip Goff’s “Galileo’s Error” for a general discussion, and for a more in-depth neuroscientific analysis Antonio Damasio’s “Self Comes to Mind”, “The Feeling of What Happens” and “The Strange Order of Things” are all superb works. Damasio never outright argues for panpsychism, but the evidence and arguments that he supplies are definitely in the same line of thought. I would argue that he is the “grandfather” of the modern panpsychism movement.
And for a shameless self-plug, check out my poem in prose piece “The Pebble and the Pond” for my views on the potential consciousness of inanimate objects.
Again, great job and thank you for writing this! 😃