I’m one degreed asshole who agrees and has put it into action in whatever sphere of influence I may have.
I went to college for promise of more pay. It was expected of me, even in a conservative home. I was smart. I am still the only person in my immediate family who has a BA.
I rode academic probation literally for 5.5 years. I have no idea how I avoided suspension, tbh. I went from computer engineering to marketing. I hated the feeling of being herded like cattle and graded for my “worth”. I was interested in the course material, but only superficially.
I realized it was all going to be a waste of time and money, plus I already had loans. So I switched to philosophy and religion. If I was gonna be there and get that damn piece of paper, then I might as well study what I’m passionate about. I finally got that piece of paper and somehow bullshitted my way in an IT career.
I’m good at what I do. But that’s because I’m intelligent, not what I learned in college.
I champion intelligence and capability in my field. I’ve been the cheerleader of many a non-graduate in front of decision makers. They moved up and now make more than me and I’m happy for them.
I also recommend to any recent high school graduate that will listen, college these days is not worth it, unless they know specifically what they’re going for and what they’re passionate about. Otherwise, forge your own path. You’re going to have to anyway.