I too speak with angels, God, the universe, whatever you want to call it/them. I personally attest that they do listen and respond.
On Jan 6th, as I learned that insurrectionists were storming the Capital, I prayed, asking that their hearts be changed and that they turn away. The response was that their hearts were hardened, just like Pharoah’s during the 10 plagues. So instead, I prayed that the police, security, and other peacemakers be shielded from harm and that I freely give any energy I had to help empower that shield. Immediately I felt tingles and shivers throughout my body. I don’t know if my thoughts and prayers had any “real” effect on the outcome. I do know it could have been way worse and that I wasn’t the only one praying.
I’ve been struggling with purpose. I know I’m here for a reason. That I have a job to do. I asked and the response was “Enjoy yourself. This world was made to be enjoyed and explored. You will know when it is your time to act and fulfill your purpose.”
Maybe I’m doing that right now.
So much has been revealed to me. Maybe one day I’ll write it all down. Right now I don’t have the words to explain even a portion, but maybe one day I will. Until then, I’ll keep listening.