I think the greater point is to continue to live and love. All we have, all we are, are choices. Nothing can take that away from us. A ruling or legislation may constrain or change our options, but it can never take away our ability to choose.
So I choose to live and love, and to do so not from my ego perspective but from my higher Self, God-Self, Holy Spirit, non-dual perspective (whatever your tradition wants to call it). As long as more and more of us choose this way and not the way of fear, hate, egotism, greed…the list goes on… then the world will begin to heal seemingly by itself. And in a way it is healing itself. We are of the world, are we not? If we all choose and act from love, compassion, and kindness, then we are the world healing itself.
And maybe in some incomprehensible way, these folks trying to take our rights are also the world healing itself too.