I grew up in what could be termed “redneck” culture where hunting is a way of life. I grew up eating wild deer, turkey, dove, fish, and squirrel. There is a deep spirituality to the practice of hunting that should definitely be taken more seriously, by hunters and urban dwellers alike. I don’t believe trophy hunting is the correct approach. Hunting to feed your family as my father did is spiritual, practical, and healthy. I myself did not take to hunting as much as my brothers, but I did participate in nearly every hunting activity other than actively stalking and killing. I helped scout good areas to place a tree stand. I helped plant food plots to draw in the wildlife. I helped follow blood trails in the dark when my color/night-blind brother couldn’t find his kill. I helped butcher the carcasses. I definitely enjoyed the food!
I now eat about a 75% plant based diet. I try to not eat modern factory farm meat. I’ve been to a pig farm and seen the horrible conditions they live. We “saved” a few pigs that had benign cancerous growths on them and were destined to be cremated and not sold to become bacon. They lived on our farm and had a decent life before we eventually had them butchered.
I say all of that to say this. I’ve lived the life that you speak of in my youth. Living in a city now, it’s hard to do so again. I’d love to only eat meat in a ritualized manner of consuming only the life that I’ve taken. Maybe one day I’ll incorporate that aspect of me back into my spiritual practice. I can definitely say that those experiences of my youth have definitely shaped my spiritual journey in more ways than I probably know. My connection to that land and the life that flourishes there runs deep.