I couldn’t clap more for this! Thank you for sharing your story! There are indeed dangerous aspects to what passes as “spirituality” these days. I’m so sorry those guiding you didn’t do you right. There has to be a healthy amount of skepticism and discernment in these things. Above all, you have to know yourself. Unfortunately, finding oneself is all-too-often painful, especially when so-called “guides” don’t teach how to do it, and/or don’t listen to what you’re saying. I’m not blaming them of being malicious, but they are human and prone to mistakes like the rest of us.
As for the cannabis use, that too can be dangerous, as you found out. I love smoking weed, but I have addictive tendencies. Knowing this, I have to be very careful with my use. It’s not for everyone either.
Thank you again for this cautionary tale. I hope for better things for you in your future!