God is Bigger
A poem. A reflection.
God is bigger than our beliefs about Him.
She is bigger than any gendered pronoun that we use to refer to Her.
It is bigger than any name that we call It.
When you deny someone else’s belief about God, when you say they are wrong and judge them as sinners, you limit what God can be for you. You limit the possibilities of belief within yourself. It is okay to not overwhelm yourself in your spiritual infancy. It is okay to only hear the lessons that you’re prepared to listen to. It is not okay to stand in the way of someone else’s spiritual journey and judge them because they are on a different path than you are on.
All paths lead to God eventually. God is the path. God is all paths.
If you want to grow in understanding of God, then allow your belief to be as expansive as God is.
God cannot be limited by anything, especially not by your beliefs. If you limit your understanding of God, then this is a self-imposed limitation. God can still work in His myriad, mysterious ways regardless of whether you believe in those ways or not. If you don’t understand the expansive, infinite nature of God, and keep your understanding of Her in your limited conception, then you are only keeping yourself from seeing the works of God in all of the ways that He works.