Funny, I remember God telling me something similar when I was younger. And objectively, I’m in a similar spot as the individual you know. I’m still waiting for someone to climb the 10,000 steps to come ask the guru (me) what the meaning of life is. Obviously, I’m being silly with that remark, but there is a trap of spiritual ego that I had to come to recognize in myself.
I always go back to the scripture, “God does not give a spirit of fear nor doubt”. To me, fear and doubt (they’re really the same thing) are the root of all the ills of the human condition. They both stem from a lack of trust in God and yourself and others.
Once you see the divinity in yourself, then trust in God becomes trust in yourself.
Once you see the divinity in others, then trust in God becomes trust in others.
Don’t doubt yourself, Dan. This message came to/through you for a reason. There is nothing trite about the truth, and you have simply spoken truth. Thank you!