A “checklist of lessons” huh? This implies that our souls know what they don’t know, which isn’t illogical at all (there I go again applying “logic” 😃). I know that there’s a lot of things that I don’t know, like cryptocurrency, quantum physics, or how “moisture wicking technology” works (does it really? In the humid south it doesn’t seem to). I’m assuming this checklist comes from ascended masters or the Creator itself. This also implies a purpose or a reason why we need to learn these lessons. So that we can commune with the Creator? Or is it like in Andy Weir’s short story “The Egg”, so that we can become Creators ourselves and start the whole process over in a new universe? For pretentious souls like myself, these answers aren’t good enough. Maybe that’s the lesson I need to learn. If that’s all there is, then that’s all there is, I guess. Carrying the implications through all the way to edge of what I can conceive, they amount to no purpose and meaning to it all, as it all gets lost in infinity. I have faith that there is something beyond my conceptions of nothing and everything (they’re the same really). I get a feeling that’s not the final lesson though…